
EULEX participated in the High-Level Regional Strategic Dialogue on Illicit Trade in South Eastern Europe

10 December 2018

On 5 and 6 December, a EULEX representative participated in the High-Level Regional Strategic Dialogue on Illicit Trade in South Eastern Europe (Regional Strategic Dialogue) hosted by the Siracusa International Institute for Criminal Justice and Human Rights.

The Regional Strategic Dialogue brought together ministers, senior officials and other key regional and international actors from across South Eastern Europe who discussed common challenges and strategic opportunities in the fight against illicit trade, which is one of the most serious global threats.

The objectives of the Regional Strategic Dialogue were two-folded: on the one hand, to build knowledge and awareness of illicit trade as a cross-sectoral phenomenon; on the other hand, to draw on the expertise and insights of national partners in order to develop a more comprehensive understanding of regional strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the fight against illicit trade, thus fostering cooperation between national and international stakeholders.