
Raising awareness of the work of rule of law institutions through insightful feature stories

24 May 2023

As part of a small-scale project titled “Improving Transparency in Judicial Reporting”, the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) in cooperation with NGO Center for Innovation and Development completed a series of six video features on selected rule-of-law topics aimed at raising awareness among the public of the work of justice institutions in Kosovo.

The first feature story focused on the rehabilitation and resocialization of prisoners and the rehabilitation programs offered by the Women Correctional Center in Lipjan/Lipljan. 

Another pressing issue that was highlighted through a feature story was the implementation of the Law on Protection of Whistleblowers by the public and private institutions, as well as the challenges in its implementation. 

Facts, figures and key developments regarding the declaration of assets by public officials was the focus of the third feature story.

A significant part of EULEX’s mandate is the robust monitoring of the entire Kosovo justice chain. This monitoring work results in regular Justice Monitoring reports, which include findings and recommendations to improve Kosovo’s rule of law system.  Some of the recommendations were presented in one of the feature stories produced as a part of this project.

The following feature dealt with an interesting topic, which is not frequently talked about in the media. It is the work of the Agency for Administration of Sequestrated or Confiscated Assets, namely what happens to seized or confiscated assets once they are with this Agency.

Lastly, integrity in the security sector with a focus on the Kosovo Police was portrayed through insightful interviews and facts in the last feature story.