
Volunteers from EULEX, UNMIK and “Let's do it Kosova” NGO mark the World Environment Day

07 June 2021

On 5 June, volunteers from the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX), UNMIK and "Let's  do it Kosova" NGO marked the World Environment Day by cleaning the Janjevë/Janjevo riverbed.

The Head of EULEX, who participated at the event, said: “The nature in Kosovo is so beautiful. If everyone who lives here comes together to clean-up, it becomes even more of a home for us.”

The UNMIK Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Barrie Freeman, who also joined the volunteers, said: "Kosovo’s natural spaces are such an asset to all of us. Taking care of the environment and putting sustainable practices into place will guarantee future generations get to enjoy the outdoors just as we have the privilege to do today.” 

Lipjan/Lipljan Municipality Mayor Imri Ahmeti who also joined the volunteers in the Janjevë/Janjevo clean-up said, “Together, we will preserve our environment.”

In addition to the Janjevë/Janjevo clean-up, EULEX, UNMIK, and local NGO volunteers joined forces on Friday and cleaned up the Mikronaselje/Kodra e Minatoreve neighbourhood in North Mitrovica and the road leading to the fortress in Zvečan/Zveçan.

EULEX is trying to become more environmentally friendly in all aspects of its work. It recently established a green committee, which is working to improve the Mission’s environmental footprint. In addition, the Mission will implement a project to plant seedlings and trees around Kosovo, in cooperation with the Kosovo Forestry Agency. EULEX will also implement a project together with the Kosovo Police to fight environmental crime and to tackle illegal waste dumping and trafficking.