EULEX Press Releases

EULEX Press Releases

Searches carried out by EULEX

18 January 2011

Pristina 18 January 2011

Today EULEX Police Executive Department has been carrying out searches in four companies in different locations in Kosovo; in Prishtinë/Priština, in the Pejë/Peć region and in Prizren, in the context of an ongoing investigation related to a suspicious tender involving the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunication.

The searches were duly authorized by a EULEX pre-trial Judge of the District Court of Prishtinë/Priština.

In another investigation related to suspicious tenders in the Municipality of Gjilan/Gnjilane, EULEX Police Executive Department has been carrying out searches in two companies in Gjilan/Gnjilane.

The searches were duly authorized by a EULEX pre- trial Judge of the District Court of Gjilan/Gnjilane.

The two above investigations related to corruptive offences are under the supervision of the Special Prosecution Office of Kosovo (SPRK).